“We’re giving Our Book to Earth so that All Earth Souls will Open up to the Universe and be aware of Our Existence.Through this awareness Earth Souls can Progress more and gain a clearer Understanding of Life after Death.There are too many Closed Minds on the Earth Plane. We are asking Earth Souls to Open Their Minds and Souls. That’s the only way they will Progress back to the Universe.In the Universe, Progress, and Learning never stop. It is Eternal.Growth and Development in the Universe is far more rewarding than any rewards found on the Earth Plane – as long as the Soul is willing to Work.The Pyramids are Very Spiritual, and they represent the Universe’s Triad.The Pyramids were given to Earth by the Universe, and Thought Power built them.The Pyramids were built for the whole Earth to use to help all find themselves in their own Inner Soul.This Power was taken away from them because greed and selfishness took over the people on the Earth Plane without leaving room for even a bit of love.”


Mara - “We’re giving Our Book to Earth so that All Earth...” 1

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