“The more we resist the life changes the more we suffer AND to avoid that; Expect the changes, Accept them AND Believe that Life is going just perfectly the way it is...”
“We gotta do much more than believe if wanna see the world change We gotta do much more than believe if we really wanna change things We gotta do much more than believe, go on try it, go on try it We gotta do much more than believe if we wanna see the world change”
“Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change. So suffering must become Love. That is the mystery.”
“The more bare a life is, the more we fear change.”
“Suffering happens when we expect life to be something more and different than what it is in the present moment. When we let go of all expectations, there is peace.”
“Accept the children the way we accept trees—with gratitude, because they are a blessing—but do not have expectations or desires. You don’t expect trees to change, you love them as they are.”