“Her emergence from that institution and rebirth as an effective and innovative mental health worker is not simply a miracle. Her dedication to self-healing, her persistent attempts at creating a helpful environment, and her willingness to receiver support from those around her, reveal her recovery as the outcome of careful and courageous self-examination and hard work. (xii)”
“When a woman conceives her true self, a miracle occurs and life around her begins again.”
“The horror of the Pit lay in the emergence from it, with the return of her will, her caring, and her feeling of the need for meaning before the return of meaning itself.”
“The world was reduced to the surface of her skin and her inner self was safe from all bitterness.”
“All my life, I'd been on the receiving end of my mother's endless tenderness and vigilant care. Being allowed to care for her during her recovery was a gift – the most rewarding experience in my life.”
“Her pupils were at once her salvation and her despair. They gave her the means of supporting life, but they made life hardly worth supporting. ”