“One is OneHeart, you bully, you punk, I'm wrecked, I'm shockedstiff. You? you still try to rule the world--thoughI've got you: identified, starving, lockedin a cage you will not leave alive, nomatter how you hate it, pound its walls,& thrill its corridors with messages.Brute. Spy. I trusted you. Now you reel & brawl in your cell but I'm deaf to your rages,your greed to go solo, your eloquentthreats of worse things you (knowing me) could do.You scare me, bragging you're a double agentsince jailers are prisoners' prisoners too.Think! Reform! Make us one. Join the rest of us,and joy may come, and make its test of us.”

Marie Ponsot

Marie Ponsot - “One is OneHeart, you bully, you punk...” 1

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