“Zach, it doesn't matter which talking heads the Republicrats put up as their candidates. Either way you're voting to maintain the status quo. Is that what you want?""Ummm....""Are you pro-choice?""Sure, I guess." Abortion's not something a gay man has to think about often."And you must be in favour of allowing gays to marry?""Of course." But I'd have to be dating someone first, right?"And you believe in the decriminalization of marijuana?""I suppose." There was no way i was going to to argue with a man who sold bongs for a living on that one."Don't you think you should be able to vote against our out-of-control welfare state without having to vote against those basic rights? Basic rights which should be protected by our constitution?""Well-""Have you even read the constitution, Zach?""I don't think so," I admitted in surprise.He shook his head at me. "Neither has the president, Zach. Think about that."He left a stack of pamphlets on the counter and headed for Ruby's. It was going to be a long campaign season.”

Marie Sexton

Marie Sexton - “Zach, it doesn't matter which talking...” 1

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