“He ambled towards the abyss again,Acquiescing to the adroit turns of his Abtenauer, his Altai horse, his Appaloosa,His Ardennais, and his Australian Brumby…..Agilely each equine adumbrates the aestheticsOf aestivating, much like aficionados of natureAnd much like ailurophiles, too……Ambrosial aromas attract his attention to theAssemblage of amaranth foliage growingAt the abyss’s edge. “Anglophile!” “Antediluvian!”“Aplomb!” “Apocryphal!” “Apophenia!” “Apothecary!”Each petal calls out to him as he captures their vision in hisAqueous humor. Now an arabesque they display, Then some archipelago formation, as they (those purple perennials)Give in to the Wind’s whimsy. “What’s in my arsenal?” He asks himself.“Do I have Authenticity, like Astrophysics and Astronomy?”“Am I at last in my Autumn, torn asunder by Avarice?Shall I now step toward Winter to wither and waste away, without rebirth?”The Summer’s azure skies call him back, reminding him of his herd.Homeward he must turn. The pony pushes him back to the plain.And, as he trudges away from the abyss, the warriors of darkness—His old battle buddies who left him behind as they raced toward Providence—Rattle in his mind with their Paleolithic war toys, on the war path, chanting:“The greatest battles we face are in the silent chambers of our own souls…..”-----from the poem 'Summer Battle' in the book HOT STUFF: CELEBRATING SUMMER'S SIMMER AND SIZZLE, by Mariecor Ruediger”

Mariecor Ruediger

Mariecor Ruediger - “He ambled towards the abyss...” 1

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