“Good librarians are natural intelligence operatives. They possess all of the skills and characteristics required for that work: curiosity, wide-ranging knowledge, good memories, organization and analytical aptitude, and discretion.”
“Knowledge exists, and good will exists; but both remain impotent until they possess the proper organs for making themselves heard.”
“What makes a good teacher today is what has always made a good teacher: command of a subject, a critical mind, a demanding nature, and an ability to inspire students to pursue knowledge for some end beyond mere financial rewards. A good teacher might be entertaining and funny, but shouldn’t set out to be. A good teacher may have broad experience with and skills using technology, but the mere possession of such experience and skills doesn’t make one a good teacher.”
“If a man is to lose his fortune, it is a good thing if he were poor before he acquired it, for poverty requires aptitude.”
“A humanist has four leading characteristics - curiosity, a free mind, belief in good taste, and belief in the human race.”
“All good work requires self-revelation.”