“Wolf," said Ran, enunciating it very carefully. "What an unusual name. Did your parents give it to you?""Does it matter?" said Wolf, tossing away his bone."I'm only making conversation.""I'd prefer silence," Wolf said, a growl in his tone.”

Marissa Meyer

Marissa Meyer - “Wolf," said Ran, enunciating it very...” 1

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“Fox was here first, and his brother was the wolf. Fox said, people will live forever. If they die they will not die for long. Wolf said, no, people will die, people must die, all things that live must die, or they will spread and cover the world, and eat all the salmon and the caribou and the buffalo, eat all the squash and all the corn. Now one day Wolf died, and he said to the fox, quick, bring me back to life. And Fox said, No, the dead must stay dead. You convinced me. And he wept as he said this. But he said it, and it was final. Now Wolf rules the world of the dead and Fox lives always under the sun and the moon, and he still mourns his brother.”

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