“I don't like being talked into things by ungraceful people.”
“I don't talk things, sir. I talk the meaning of things.”
“People talk about being godlike, or godly... like those mean something. Like that means anything.Like those are hard to do.Being God is easy, just sit there and don't do anything.I've always felt best when I could get away with being the Devil.”
“... not talking about things she doesn't understand to people who do or about things she does to people who don't.”
“Being a writer is a lot like being a mother, only books don't talk back when they get older.”
“[Grace talking to Billy.] "It's like people who want to feel only happy but not sad," she said. "It never works. You either feel things or you don't. You don't get to pick and choose. At least, I don't think so.”