“It was the tiredness of time lived, with its days and days. It was the tiredness of gravity- gravity, which wants you down in the center of the earth.”
“The years came and went, the children came and left. The worst of getting old is not tiredness and aches and pains, but the time rushes on, so quickly that in the end it doesn't seem to exist.It's Christmas and then it's Easter. It's a clear winter's day and then a hot summer's day. In between it's a vacuum.”
“Such days of autumnal decline hold a strange mystery which adds to the gravity of all our moods.”
“I felt above all, tired. Tiredness: if there ws a constant symptom of the disease in our lives at this time, it was tiredness....A banal state of affairs, yes-but our problems were banal, the stuff of women's magazines. All lives, I remember thinking, eventually funnel into the advice columns of women's magazines.”
“There is no gravity. The earth sucks.”
“There was nothing the matter with them except they were dead tired. It was not the dead-tiredness that comes through brief and excessive effort, from which recovery is a matter of hours; but it was the dead-tiredness that comes through the slow and prolonged strength drainage of months of toil.”