“A righteous man does not conceive of himself as righteous; he is "only doing what anyone else would do," except, of course, that no one else does it.”
“The Angel said, 'Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong, and the one who is filthy still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness.”
“There is not a righteous man on Earth who does what is right and never sins.”
“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is a hallucinating idiot...for he sees what no one else does: things that, to everyone else, are not there.”
“In God's eyes, a man who teaches one truth and nothing else is more righteous than a man who teaches a million truths and one lie.”
“The only free man," he would say, "is one who doesn't work for anyone else.”