“Perhaps elements like tenacity and humility combine to form a heroic compound.”
“Life is like a combination lock; your job is to find the numbers, in the right orders, so you can have anything you want.”
“An idea is nothing more or less than a new combination of old elements (Quoted from Vilfredo Pareto)”
“But what had happened, had happened, and it was no longer possible to right anything.”
“You wish they understood, as you do, that there is no escape and never was, that from the moment two cells combined to become one they were doomed. You wish they understood that there is joy in this fact, greater joy and love in just this one last moment than they experienced in the entirety of their lives. Because even in this last moment there is still Everything, whole galaxies and eons, the sum total of every experience across time, shrunk to the head of a pin, theirs for the asking, right here, right now. And so anything, anything, anything is possible.”