“I'm sorry he did that to you, but you can't let him hold you back from someone who cares for you.”
“The only thing that was sharper and that scarred more was the selfish actions of those you loved when they made it crystal clear that they cared more for themselves than they did for you. Especially when it was someone you trusted to always put you first.”
“HOw did you tell someone the truth when you weren't even sure what that was?”
“To hear people talk, you would think no one ever did anything but love each other. But when you look for it, when you search out this love everyone is always talking about, it is nowhere to be found; and when someone looks for love from you, you find you are not able to give it, you are not able to hold the trust and dreams they want you to hold, any more than you could cradle water in your arms.”
“You may hold my tears and live as you did before, trusting your soul to no one. Or you may release my tears and accept what comes.”