“Crossing the Swamp"Here is the endlesswet thickcosmos, the centerof everything—the nuggetof dense sap, branchingvines, the dark burredfaintly belchingbogs. Hereis swamp, hereis struggle,closure—pathless, seamless,peerless mud. My bonesknock together at the palejoints, tryingfor foothold, fingerhold,mindhold oversuch slick crossings, deephipholes, hummocksthat sink silentlyinto the black, slackearthsoup. I feelnot wet so much aspainted and glitteredwith the fat grassymires, the richand succulent marrowsof earth—a poordry stick givenone more chance by the whimsof swamp water—a boughthat still, after all these years,could take root,sprout, branch out, bud—make of its life a breathingpalace of leaves.”

Mary Oliver

Mary Oliver - “Crossing the Swamp"Here is the endlesswet...” 1

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