“When one of us tells the truth, he makes it easier for all of us to open our hearts to our pain and that of others.”
“Our eyes tell us what we want to believe, but our heart tells us only the simple truth”
“The truth about our own modest contribution might immobilize us: much easier then, to tell ourselves a story about how much we make our own reality. ”
“When our heart is closed, it creates a lonely and isolated feeling. It prevents us from seeing the love that surrounds us all the time. It is when we begin to open our heart that we discover a feeling of oneness in love with other people, with nature, with the trees, with the stones, with the ocean and with the blue sky.”
“O Father, touch us with fresh faith that we might believe the incredible. The very pain of Christ that makes us despair is our salvation. Open our fearful hearts to receive the gospel. Waken the dead parts of our hearts that cannot feel what must be felt-that we are loved with the deepest, strongest, purest love in the universe.”
“It's our hearts that tell us the truth of things, honey, and my heart has never betrayed me. Not ever.”