“Everyone represses everything. Do you think any of these "normal" human beings really do exactly what they want to do all the time? 'Course not. It's just the same. We're middle-class and we're British. Repression is in our veins.”
“We're not really conscious of what we're doing most of the time.”
“It's because we're so trapped in our culture, in the being of being human on this planet with the brains we have, and the same two arms and legs everybody has. We're so trapped that any way we could imagine to escape would be just another part of the trap. Anything we want, we're trained to want.”
“Listen up, Wanda. I know exactly what you don't want to be. But we're human, and we're selfish, and we don't always do the right thing. We aren't going to let you go. Deal with it.”
“It isn't that we do what we want. It's that we're allowed to want at all.”
“Mothers can be so dense. Just act like you approve of what we're doing. We'll soon do the exact opposite, just to spite you.”