“What if Max is hurt somewhere?" Max's dad asked, and there was anger in his voice, but it was the kind of anger that someone has when they are afraid. It sounded more nervous and rushed. It was like fear dressed up in a loud voice and red cheeks.”
“Deep, choking sobs that sounded like his soul was being torn apart. He clutched at his father and Max took his in his arms. "I am so sorry dad." Kyle sobbed. "And I forgive you because that is what fahters do" said Max”
“there was no anger in his voice,no disappointment even.”
“I have an idea. It’s risky, and Max will kill us when she finds out.”Iggy raised his head. “Sounds like my kind of idea.”
“Then she probably would have waved back," Max said. "And it might be a he.""Ha! Not likely," Lucia said. "Didn't you notice them?""Them what?" Max asked."Her... you know. She has breasts, Max! What do you think that is on her chest?""I think it's a pair of crossed arms," Max said.”
“Anger is nothing more than an outward expression of hurt, fear and frustration”