“She became for me an island of light, fun, wisdom where I could run with my discoveries and torments and hopes at any time of day and find welcome.”
“When I was drowning, she became my air. In the cold, she became my warmth. In the dark, she became my light.”
“Yes, as Rhett had prophesied, marriage could be a lot of fun. Not only was it fun but she was learning many things. That was odd in itself, because Scarlett had thought life could teach her no more. Now she felt like a child, every day on the brink of a new discovery.”
“Within a few moments the last of day became the first of night, a magic as peculiar and welcome as any other.”
“I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.”
“By fearing whom I trust I find my wayTo truth; by trusting wholly I betrayThe trust of wisdom; better far is DoubtWhich brings the false into the Light of Day.”