“Sleeping.” The word came out with an adorable lack of anything resembling an L, closer to something you’d do with a broom than in a bed.”
“He led them around the base of a great fallen tree whose exposed roots resembled more than anything else a huge broom - a broom that would have fired the imagination of Rachel the Dragon toward heroic, legendary feats of sweeping.”
“Home, bed, sleep, mother--who knew more beautiful words than these?”
“Anyway, how are you and Ramona doing?' Uh... you know. Pretty good.'Have you said the L-Word yet?'The L-Word? You mean? Lesbian?' Uh... No. The other L-Word.' ?'Okay. Uh, It's "love." I wasn't trying to trick you or anything.”
“Better to sleep in an uncomfortable bed free, than sleep in a comfortable bed unfree.”
“The only time she has anything resembling a life is when she sleeps because when she sleeps she can dream.”