“If you feel stronger and good when the weather is sunny, and weaker and bad when the weather is cloudy, then it means your willpower is not powerful yet!”
“If the weather is sunny, it is good; if the weather is rainy, it is good; if it is foggy, it is good; if it is stormy, it is good; if it is damn cold, it is good; if it is damn hot, it is good! With a positive attitude of mind, all becomes good!”
“You don't get the good shots sitting on your ass in the bad weather- Mark Johnson”
“If you see birds flying high in the sky, it means clear weather. However, if you see a lot of birds roosting on power lines and trees, this either means they're conspiring against you or falling air pressure and bad weather are on the way. Expect rain and/or a killer seagull attack in the next twelve hours.”
“No matter how rich you become, how famous or powerful, when you die the size of your funeral will sill pretty much depend on the weather.”
“When the weather is hot, keep a cool mind. When the weather is cold, keep a warm heart.”