“Silence is a giver; it gives some things to you! Noise is a taker; it takes some things from you! Seek for the silence!”
“I believe the world is divided in three groups: givers, takers and the few that can balance both impulses. Giving and loving is a beautiful thing. It is the currency of compassion and kindness, it is what separates good people from the rest. And without it, the world would be a bleak place. If you are a giver, it is wise to define your boundaries because takers will take what you allow them to; all givers must learn to protect that about themselves or eventually, there is nothing left to give.”
“Some say silence is golden, I choose noise!”
“Some things are only known in the silence. Be still. Listen”
“Literature takes a habit of mind that has disappeared. It requires silence, some form of isolation, and sustained concentration in the presence of an enigmatic thing.”
“...it was necessary to love silence, but before you could love silence you had to have noise.”