“Village is an idea; universe is an idea! If you cannot create an idea bigger than your village you live in, you remain inside your village; if we cannot create an idea greater than this universe, we remain inside this universe!”
“An idea can be greater than the Sun, because with an intelligent idea, man can discover the way to create another sun! Idea is the greatest power in this universe!”
“Since many things we see were once an idea, let us create good ideas today because they will be the realities of tomorrow! When you create an idea, do not forget that you shape the future! Idea is your God side! With ideas, you can change the universe, but only with very great ideas!”
“You may live in an unknown small village, but if you have big ideas, the world will come and find you!”
“If your shout is local, only your village will hear you; if your whisper is universal, the whole world will hear you!”
“In an English village, you turn over a stone and have no idea what will crawl out.Miss Marple”