“You have to protect your food, otherwise someone else takes it! There is no divinity in here! But there is divinity there: In a civilised order where no being has to defend for its food!”
“Food, like a loving touch or a glimpse of divine power,has that ability to comfort.”
“If someone else takes a bite of my food, I have to cut off the part that his/her saliva has touched before I can eat any more of it.”
“I believe that our relationship with food is a divine access point into the essence of who we truly are”
“...the insects here see you as a big slab of animated but not very well defended food. The ability to move, far from being a deterrent, serves as an unforgeable guarantee of freshness.”
“It's simple; be YOU. If you're not being you, you're being someone else. YOU are not here to be someone else.”