“Five years from today. Where, exactly, do you want to be?"Her eyes lit up. Sadie loves that kind of question. "Ooh. Wow. Let me think. December, getting close to Christmas. I'll be twenty-one...""Passed out under the tree with a fifth of Jack, half a 7-Eleven rotisserie chicken, and a cat who poops in your shoes." Frankie returned our startled glances with his lizard look. "Oh, wait. That's me. Sorry."I opted to ignore him. "Five years to the day,Sadie."She glanced quickly between Frankie and me. "Do we need a time-out here?""Nope," I said. "Carry on.""Okay. Five years. I will be in New York visiting the pair of you because, while NYU is fab, I will be halfwau through my final year of classics at Cambridge, trying to decide whether I want to be a psychologist or a pastry chef. You," she said sternly to Frankie, "will be drinking appropriate amounds of champagne with your boyfriend, a six-three blond from Helsinki who happens to design for Tory Burch. Ah! Don't say anything. It's my future. You can choose a different designer when it's you go. I want the Tory freebies." She turned to me. "We will be sipping said champagne in the middle of the Gagosian Galley, because it is the opening night of your first solo exhibit. At which everything will sell."She punctuated the sentence by poking the air with a speared black olive."I love you," I told her. Then, "But that wasn't really about you.""Oh,but it was," she disagreed, going back to her salad. "It's exactly where I want to be. Although" -she grinned over a tomato wedge- "I might have the next David Beckham in tow.""The next David Beckham is a five-foot-tall Welshman named Madog Cadwalader. He has extra teeth and bow legs.""Really?" Sadie asked.Frankie snorted. "No.Not really.”

Melissa Jensen

Melissa Jensen - “Five years from today. Where, exactly...” 1

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