“I don't think anyone outside my family knows that.""Not even Amanda?" It came out before I could stop it."Not even Amanda." He reached for the soda. "Two," he muttered as he poured, "I wish more people knew that Amanda and I are not a single unit and fewer people knew that she dumped me temporarily over the summer for a lifegaurd in Loveladies named Biff." While I processed that,he finished. "Three. I bombed the PSATs.""Oh.Well,isn't the point of preliminary tests to help you learn how to do well on the later ones?""Tell that to my dad. He was decided that I am now on the fast track toward a future of digging ditches.""Come on.I'm sure he sees that it's just a prep test.""What he sees," Alex corrected me, "is that the path of Yale, followed by Powel Law an the family firm, has gotten a little slippery."I had no idea what to say.In my family, whatever we want to do, as long as it involves getting out of bed every morning and satisfying our souls, is considered just splendid.And that coming from multiple generations who've struggled to pay the mortgage.”

Melissa Jensen

Melissa Jensen - “I don't think anyone outside my family...” 1

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