“Mystery is good."He drummed his fingertips on my thigh. "Maybe.Maybe not. But I'll let it go. How about this: If I were to open the top drawer of your dresser, what would I find?""Are we back to discussing my underwear again?""Only in graphic detail..." He flicked my sore knee, but not where the bruise was. "I keep loose change and my oldest comic books in mine. Some people have journals or photographs or awards...""Okay,okay." I sighed. "Underwear," I said. "Two ancient swimsuits, and a magazine file.""Of...?""Pictures I've pulled out of magazines.""Yes,thank you. I gathered that. What's in it?"I squirmed a little and contemplated lying. Travel pix, shoes, hints on getting glue off of Ultrasuede... "Mostly pictures of models with short hair," I confessed finally. "It's sort of a goal of mine."Alex reached up and wrapped a strand around his finger. "I like your hair," he said quietly, "but I think you'd look great whatever you did with it.”

Melissa Jensen

Melissa Jensen - “Mystery is good."He drummed his...” 1

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