“He reached out and caressed her face. With a serious expression, he traced the edge of her jaw with his thumb. "You‘re beautiful, Ani. In all of eternity, there‘s never been another faery who could make me want to forget everything and everyone else.""Because you like the way I look?" She rolled her eyes. "Apparently, my dream mind is shallow.""No, not the exterior. You… the tempers and follies and passion… even the way you care for that infuriating steed."Devlin gazed at her like she was precious. "Even knowing you could be fatal, I would‘ve said yes."Her chest hurt like she had held her breath too long as she asked, "To?""Whatever you wanted." He didn‘t reach out and pull her into his embrace. Instead, he took one step forward, leaned down, and kissed her.”

Melissa Marr

Melissa Marr - “He reached out and caressed her face...” 1

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