“Perhaps when the next Great War comes we may see that sight unprecedented in all history, a jingo with a bullet-hole in him.”
“There are some people out there who don't wait for what come next. They decide what should come next and they go and make it happen.”
“...why is it that, in creative writing courses today, the very first thing we teach students is write what you know? Perhaps that's not the right way to start at all. Imaginative literature is not necessarily about writing who we are or what we know or what our identity is about. We should teach young people and ourselves to expand our hearts and write what we can feel. We should get out of our cultural ghetto and go visit the next one and the next.”
“You once accused me of never considering the consequences,” she said, willing him to understand. To see. “Of never thinking of what comes next.”“What comes next is, we marry.”She shook her head. “Now you are not considering the consequences. I shall always be your scandal, Simon. Never entirely worthy.”
“You see, now that trials have come, they have shown that I am NOT a nice child. I was afraid they would. Perhaps... that is what they were sent for... I suppose there MIGHT be good in things, even if we don't see it.”