“As a gift to His people, the King painted their seven colors in the shape of a bridge in the sky, as a symbol for the real bridge that the people had just crossed.”
“The fate of the bridges is to be lonely; because bridges are to cross not to stay!”
“Children’s literature must build a bridge between the colorful dream world full of fantasy and illusion, and a tougher real world full of twists and turns. The child armed with the torch of knowledge, awareness and guidance must cross this bridge and set foot to the intense harshness of the bigger world.”An In-Depth Analysis of Educational Deadlock”
“Words were power, words tried to change you, to shape bridges of longing that no one could ever really cross.”
“Lena was an introvert. She knew she had trouble connecting with people. She always felt like her looks were fake bait, seeming to offer a bridge to people, which she couldn't easily cross.”
“Bridges symbolize peace and human contact.”