“The thing with do-overs it’s that they don’t exist. Second chances are just another chance to mess up.”
“People mess up and make mistakes all the time. Everyone deserves a second chance right? - Brandon”
“But it takes so little to help people, and people really do help each other, even people with very little themselves. And it’s not just about second chances. Most people deserve an endless number of chances.”
“There can be second chances. But maybe it's also true that things can never be the same, and that you have to decide whether the second chance lives up to the first.”
“Whatever problems we had back then don’t exist anymore. It’s why we have this second chance, and we can’t throw it away. Besides, you were the one who said we’re not exactly the same as we were back then. If we’re not the same, then things can turn out differently.”
“The good thing about failing is that you get a second chance to do better”