“We were still children and residing in the mosque from morning to evening. We were about to turn into monsters.”
“We were U.S. Marshals. We hunted and killed the monsters. We did not run from them”
“We were all monsters and bastards, and we were all beautiful.”
“We are still on our journey, still suffering and still laughing together. But I feel like the tide has turned, and I think we will have our happy ending yet. Even if it doesn’t look like what we were expecting.”
“Mickey had turned into Daisy, and Goofy had turned into Einstein—we were talking about a transmutation that would even have had Paracelsus foaming at the mouth.”
“People who were personally concerned about a better world, came to Washington, were drawn to it. Even though where we were going was still to be worked out. There was an elan, an optimism . . . an evangelism . . . it was an adventure.”