“Names are deeply meaningful to your brain, and misleading names add chaos to your code.”
“Virtuoso? Are you serious? What kind of code name is that? Who's assigning code names these days? They should be shot. How can anyone feel threatened by someone named Virtuoso?”
“Yorda...that's your name?”
“You want me to be your spy in a game of restaurant espionage? Will I need a code name?""It's nothing morally reprehensible or anything, " Wes hastened to assure her. "Just curiosity.""I think your code name should be Tiberius," she said decisively. "I'll be Uhura.""Tiberius? As in James Tiberius Kirk?" Wes blinked, then grinned. "Oh my God, this is your version of flirting. How do you say 'I fancy you' in Klingon?”
“The code of competence is the only system of morality that's on a gold standard.”