“i loved the freedom writers diary and even though i only read it because my teacher made us i loved the book. it shows me some feelings that i also feel sometimes, and even though i never finished reading it because i got lazy its the only book ive ever liked”
“There is something awfully nice about reading a book again, with all the half-unconscious memories it brings back.”
“hey its Uberunicorn here, im uploading my accountant for the first time! :D yay! im only uploading the books ive read in a short time: jan-dec, so i might not have so many books online j8st yet... - Uberunicorn, this one called cherub the recruit! Y X 3!!!”
“The first part of success is "Get-to-it-iveness"; the second part of success is "Stick-to-it-iveness".”
“She reads a lot of books. Good things, books.”