“As any two people who have ever dressed in matching pajamas will attest, it was surprisingly effective.”
“The pajamas were patterned with red pinstripes and tiny blue escutcheons. Sammy was wearing a pair that had red escutcheons with blue pinstripes. That was Rosa's idea of fostering a sense of connection between father and son. As any two people who have ever dressed in matching pajamas will attest, it was surprisingly effective.”
“Orafoura paid me in pajamas, and I let him because the pajamas matched his plaid mustache.”
“It mattered to us both to have some point of reference in that strange place, some means of attesting to the effect it had on us. [p. 87]”
“Hey, it's ten in the morning!' says Person, yelling at two farmers dressed in robes in the distance. 'Don't you think you ought to change out of your pajamas?”
“If one makes a mistake, then an apology is usually sufficient to get things back on an even keel. However-and this is a big ‘however’- most people do not ever know why their apology did not seem to have any effect. It is simply that they did not make a mistake; they made a choice…and never understood the difference between the two.”