“That's it. Thats Bob's game. His drill...is really quite simple- make a habit of doing things other's weren't willing to do.”
“Novels for me are how I find out what's going on in my own head. And so that's a really useful and indeed critical thing to do when you do as many of these other things as I do.”
“I really do like listening to stuff that's happened to other people. I guess that's why I like to read.”
“H is for Habit, winners make a habit of doing the things losers don't want to do.”
“Life is about doing the things that make you happy, not the things that please other people. If you can please other people, that's a plus, but as long as you're not hurting anyone, you're golden.”
“Now he had answers, but they weren't doing what answers were supposed to do: they weren't making things simpler or easier. They weren't helping.”