“This was war: a vast machine that chewed up people.”
“This is no war of chieftains or of princes, of dynasties or national ambition; it is a war of peoples and of causes. There are vast numbers, not only in this Island but in every land, who will render faithful service in this war, but whose names will never be known, whose deeds will never be recorded. This is a War of the Unknown Warriors”
“If one is searching for the cause of brutality in mankind, it would do well to remember that civilization is a great and vast machine.”
“Lending war equipment is a good deal like lending chewing gum. You don't want it back.”
“Human society as a whole is a vast brainwashing machine whose semantic rules and sex roles create a social robot.”
“In battle, in a war, a soldier sees only a tiny fragment of what is available to be seen. The soldier is not a photographic machine. He is not a camera. He registers, so to speak, only those few items that he is predisposed to register and not a single thing more. Do you understand this? So I am saying to you that after a battle each soldier will have different stories to tell, vastly different stories, and that when a was is ended it is as if there have been a million wars, or as many wars as there were soldiers.”