“Are you coming with us?"Black Hawk laughed. "Are you insane, or do you think I am? One immortal and three Elders,heading onto an island of monsters. I know who's not coming back from that trip."Mars worked his head from side to side, easing the stiffness. "He's probably right-he'd slow us down.""I'll be right here," Black Hawk said, "so that when you all come screaming back here,I'll be able to get you off the island."Even Hel laughed. "We'll not come screaming to you.""Have it your way.I'll be here,though. For a while,anyway," he added with a grin."I thought you would want to rescue your friend Billy," Mars said.Black Hawk laughed again. "Trust me, Billy never needs rescuing. Usually people need to be rescued from him.”

Michael Scott

Michael Scott - “Are you coming with us?"Black Hawk...” 1

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