“Don't take me for a fool!" Dee interrupted angrily, but then had to lean over the boat as another bout of nausea gripped him.Virginia grinned and winked at Josh. "It's hard to sound masterful when you're throwing up, isn't it?""I hate you, Virginia Dare," Dee mumbled."I know you don't really mean that," she said lightly."I do," he croaked.”

Michael Scott

Michael Scott - “Don't take me for a fool!" Dee...” 1

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Michael Scott
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“John,be reasonable," Virginia said. "I've known Billy a very long time, and we have had some great adventures together. He's as close as I have to a friend.When he dies, which he will,sooner or later,because he can be so stupid," she added, glaring at the American immortal, "it should be with a degree of dignity,rather than being fed to this...this thing.""Thanks," Billy wheezed."You're welcome.And you owe me.""I'll remember."Virginia turned back to Dee. "I'll make a deal.""For what?" he demanded."For Billy's life," she said evenly."Do you forget who you're dealing with?" Dee snarled."Do you?" she asked softly.”

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“Was this how you were going to awaken the creatures?"Machiavelli,clutching the bars of his cell,smiled but said nothing.Virginia stood in front of Dee and stared into his eyes,using herwill to calm him down. "So you tried to use the pages to awaken the cratures.Tell me what happened."Dee jabbed a finger into the nearest cell. It was empty. Virginia stepped closer and discovered the pile of white dust in the corner."I don't even know what was in the cell-some winged monstrosity.Giant vampire bat,I think.I said the words,and the creature opened its eyes and immediately crumbled to dust.""Maybe you said a word wrong?" Virginia suggested. She plucked a scrap of paper from Josh's hands. "I mean,it looks difficult.""I am fluent," Dee snapped."He is," Machiavelli said, "I will give him that.And his accent is very good too, though not quite as good as mine."Dee spun back to the cell holding Machiavelli. "Tell me what went wrong."Machiavelli seemed to be considering it; then he shook his head. "I don't think so."Dee jerked his thumb at the sphinx. "Right now she's absorbing your aura,ensuring that you cannot use any spells against me. But she'll be just as happy eating your flesh.Isn't that true?"he said, looking up into the crature's female face."Oh,I love Italian," she rumbled. She stepped away from Dee and dipped her head to look into the opposite cell. "Give me this one," she said,nodding at Billy the Kid. "He'll make a tasty snack." Her long black forked tongue flickered in the air before the outlaw, who immediately grabbed it,jerked it forward and allowed it to snap back like an elastic band. She screamed,coughed, and squawked all at the same time.Billy grinned."I'll make sure I'll choke you on the way down.""It might be difficult to do that if you have no arms," the sphinx said thickly,working her tongue back and forth."I'll still give you indigestion."Dee looked at Machiavelli. "Tell me," he said again, "or I will feed your young American friend to the beast.""Tell him nothing," Billy yelled."This is one of those occasions when I am in agreement with Billy.I am going to tell you nothing."The Magician looked from one side of the cell to the other. Then he looked at Machiavelli."What happened to you? You were one of the Dark Elders' finest agents in this Shadowrealm. There were times you even made me look like an amateur.""John,you were always an amateur." Machiavelli smiled."Why, look at the mess you're in now.”

Michael Scott
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“Hi," she said. The gloomy interior of the car lit up with a warm green glow and the scent of sage filled the air. Virginia rubbed her forefinger and thumb together, and in the mirror, Josh saw a tiny ball of green energy appear. She flicked the ball at the motorcyclist."You missed!" Dee snapped."Here,let me...""Patience,Doctor,patience," Virginia said.The rubber on the bike's front tire abruptly crumbled to black powder. Spokes collapsed, the wheel buckled and the bike careered across the road, the front forks scraping a shower of sparks from the concrete. Then the bike hit the low restraining wall on the bay side of the road and the rider was catapulted over it, disappearing without a sound."Subtle,as always, Virginia," Dee said.”

Michael Scott
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