“Obama's plan for "change": Let's do everything Bush did, only with more suck! Because it just didn't suck badly enough the first time!”
“For once, I agree with Blake." Daemon met my shocked stare. "We can't, Kitten. Not now."I wasn't okay with this, but I couldn't run down the hall, letting people free. We didn't plan for that and we only had a set amount of time. It sucked-sucked worse than people who pirated books, sucked more than a year for the next book in a beloved series, and sucked more than a brutal cliffhanger ending.”
“The only difference between Obama and Bush is that Obama is killing more people. He’s about double the numbers now. Can you imagine if McCain had won and did precisely what Obama has done, with every speech and every political maneuver overseas? There’d be riots in the streets about the people we’re killing. And yet because it’s Obama, and he’s better looking and better at reading the teleprompter, we let him get away with it.”
“Sometimes, things can happen in life that you didn't plan for. All you can do now is suck it up and start mapping out a new plan.”
“Bush didn't do one thing wrong....He did everything wrong.”
“See? My plans don’t all suck. Just most of them.”