“Bronwyn jumped when the door of her room sprang open and bounced against the stone wall. Something only one person would do.Lily."Lillabet! What are you doing here? Ranulf-""Ranulf?" Lily asked as she cocked her head to the side and wrinkled her nose. "I had forgotten that was his name. Lord,what a mouthful.”

Michele Sinclair

Michele Sinclair - “Bronwyn jumped when the door of her...” 1

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Michele Sinclair
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“But where are we going?"Glancing back at her,he smiled a wicked smile. "Westminster.""Westminster! Now? What about the Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord? I'm the First Footer! I can't just leave."Ranulf came back in and gave her a comforting kiss on the forehead before placing a softer one on her lips.Unfortunately, that is one tradition we must break.So pack only what is necessary and don your warmest gown."Bronwyn's heart started pounding as she realized just who Ranulf intended to see and confront. "What are you planning to do to Luc?"But the question was issued to an empty corridor. Ranulf was gone, and the next time she was to see him,they would be riding out of Hunswick at a speed she wouldn't understand for another three days.”

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“It's too bad,my lord," she purred, "that you are too weak and vulnerable to satisfy me."Ranulf grabbed her wrist and wrenched it from his skin. He pulled her closer so that she stood in between his legs,her face near his. "And just what was it you desired?"Bronwyn licked her lips and Ranulf realized it was not his humiliation she sought,but to salvage some pride of her own. With his free arm,he reached up to pull on the shirt gathered around his neck. "Angel,I am getting up,and if the only thing I have on are my underclothes...so be it.”

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Michele Sinclair
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