“But where are we going?"Glancing back at her,he smiled a wicked smile. "Westminster.""Westminster! Now? What about the Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord? I'm the First Footer! I can't just leave."Ranulf came back in and gave her a comforting kiss on the forehead before placing a softer one on her lips.Unfortunately, that is one tradition we must break.So pack only what is necessary and don your warmest gown."Bronwyn's heart started pounding as she realized just who Ranulf intended to see and confront. "What are you planning to do to Luc?"But the question was issued to an empty corridor. Ranulf was gone, and the next time she was to see him,they would be riding out of Hunswick at a speed she wouldn't understand for another three days.”

Michele Sinclair

Michele Sinclair - “But where are we going?"Glancing...” 1

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Michele Sinclair
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“What the..." Ranulf barked behind her. "Where's the meat? The butter?"Bronwyn smiled. It was going to be a hard few days for everyone at Hunswick,suddenly observing Advent, but it might inspire the new residents to not just enjoy the fruits of everyone's labor,but appreciate and contribute.Turning around,Bronwyn pasted on what she hoped to be an incredulous look and said, "During Advent Fast?Now,my lord, you wouldn't want others to think you a heathen."Ranulf picked up the mug,sniffed the tea with disdain,and put it back down before flopping into one of the hearth chairs. "I know a hell of a lot more about the topic than you.And I could care less about the opinion of others.""I doubt that," Bronwyn murmured, just loud enough for him to hear, "on either point."Ranulf leaned forward and grabbed the plate of fish and potatoes. He took several bites and waved his fork around the platter. "The Church calls for their followers to celebrate the season of Advent the four weeks before Christmas, which is nonsense because I know of no one who rejoices in the idea of starvation and...abstinence."Bronwyn's heartbeat suddenly doubled its pace and she had to fight to remain looking relaxed and unaffected. "I believe humility is a large purpose behind the fast.""And control," Ranulf replied with a grunt. "If I kept such an absurd custom, I and my men would have starved many a year.”

Michele Sinclair
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“Ranulf searched for something to distract him from what she was doing. Only one topic came to mind.Their kiss."About this morning.Your memory is faulty."Concentrating,Bronwyn was just about to sever the final stitch. "How so?" she murmured."I believe you kissed me."His nearness coupled with the unexpected reminder of their embrace caused her hand to quiver just as she sliced the last stitch, giving him a small scrape."Ow! You did that on purpose!"Bronwyn jumped back. She was no longer nestled between his legs, but neither was she out of his reach. "I did no such thing. Besides,it is a small sratch, so stop disgracing yourself by acting so cowardly," she scolded, waving the sharp blade around as if it was another appendage."Cowardly?" Ranulf bellowed, as he jerked the knife out of her hand. "You, angel, should be thanking me for being damn near to a saint! You have to be one of the most difficult women I have ever met."Bronwyn's chin popped up angrily, her deep blue eyes flashing. "I'm not difficult. You're the one yelling." She turned, grabbed his tunic, and threw it at him. "I'm done.You can get dressed now.”

Michele Sinclair
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Michele Sinclair
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“And you pride keeps you from doing anything absurd,I suppose."Ranulf eyed Bronwyn suspiciously. Their banter was the equivalent of foreplay, except he seemed to be the only one suppressing excitement. His angel just sat unperturbed and serene...almost too composed. "It helps.Just as the meat you ate last night.I smelled it on your fingers."Bronwyn felt her teeth grind as she shifted her clenched jaw. "As Advent is only required on three days of the week, I guess I was fortunate that I was able to consume the last of the lamb before Twelfthtide.""Making me unfortunate. But what about the exemption of children,the elderly, and the infirm?"The man was acting smug and causing her to react defensively. Bronwyn leaved over to pour herself some hot cider and then settled back in the hearth chair, slowly sipping the sweet drink. She glanced at him and then licked her lips and asked, "Oh,are you infirm?"Without blinking,Ranulf purred, "It depends."Bronwyn succumed to a shiver and looked away. She was playing with fire and needed to stop. "I suppose we could hunt for some barnacle geese. That should suffice for meat and still make Father Morrell happy.”

Michele Sinclair
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