“Devout follower of Advent, eh?""Maybe I should have said recently devout," Bronwyn clarified.A roar of laughter broke over the crowd. Tyr wiped away the tears forming in his eyes. "Oh,she got you, Ranulf. I told you not to evict a woman from her home. They have all kinds of ways of exacting revenge, and keeping a man from enjoying a good meal...well, that was brilliant and evil."Bronwyn waited for Ranulf's rebuke, but instead, he joined his friend, and within minutes,the whole group was laughing, though only a handful truly understood why.”

Michele Sinclair

Michele Sinclair - “Devout follower of Advent...” 1

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“I thought you'd sworn off marriage," Ranulf growled."Who said anything about marriage?" Tyr snapped back. "I just know that when a younger sister gets married,the older one might like some company and Bronwyn is one damn fine-looking woman.""Leave her alone, Tyr."The possessive growl in Ranulf's voice was unmistakable and undeniable. Tyr swung around abruptly and faced his friend from across the table. "I knew it!""Just what do you think you know?""Something happened between you two," Tyr answered,pointing at him. "No man-not even you-can spend a day and night with a woman that beautiful and not at least try to kiss her. Did you?""None of your business."Tyr let go a long low whistle. "So not only did you,but you enjoyed it.Enough to still be bothered.I'm kind of wishing it had been me up there instead."Ranulf moved toward the door. "I think your first inclinations about leaving Hunswick were good ones.Tell the queen I said hello."Tyr shook his head and leaned back against the table,crossing his arms. "I've changed my mind. Ranulf de Gunnar, the man who wanted no woman, suddenly has two.I'm staying.""Not if I send you away.”

Michele Sinclair
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“And you pride keeps you from doing anything absurd,I suppose."Ranulf eyed Bronwyn suspiciously. Their banter was the equivalent of foreplay, except he seemed to be the only one suppressing excitement. His angel just sat unperturbed and serene...almost too composed. "It helps.Just as the meat you ate last night.I smelled it on your fingers."Bronwyn felt her teeth grind as she shifted her clenched jaw. "As Advent is only required on three days of the week, I guess I was fortunate that I was able to consume the last of the lamb before Twelfthtide.""Making me unfortunate. But what about the exemption of children,the elderly, and the infirm?"The man was acting smug and causing her to react defensively. Bronwyn leaved over to pour herself some hot cider and then settled back in the hearth chair, slowly sipping the sweet drink. She glanced at him and then licked her lips and asked, "Oh,are you infirm?"Without blinking,Ranulf purred, "It depends."Bronwyn succumed to a shiver and looked away. She was playing with fire and needed to stop. "I suppose we could hunt for some barnacle geese. That should suffice for meat and still make Father Morrell happy.”

Michele Sinclair
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“He knew it was ridiculous never to want another man to appreciate her beauty, to know her laughter, but until Bronwyn was his in every sense of the word, he would not be at ease.Then Tyr reached up and brushed something off her cheek and Ranulf's self-discipline exploded into a rushing torrent of anger and possessiveness. His best friend! On his land, touching his woman!Unthinking, Ranulf snatched his tunic and wrenched it over his head. After pulling on his leggings and shoes, he grabbed his belt and sword, fastening them as he exited the room. He ignored the servant,who had been patiently waiting just outside the door for instructions, and bounded down the stairs with only one thought-pummeling his soon-to-be ex-friend.”

Michele Sinclair
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“Then he issued a single pointed stare at Bronwyn-the first direct look he had given her all evening, and added, "And good night to you, my lady. May tomorrow bring you the future comfort and happiness you deserve."Then he turned, and all the heads and eyes in the crowd followed Ranulf across the courtyard as he headed alone toward the Tower Keep. My lady, he had said.Those two words Ranulf had emphasized conveyed more than a thousand speeches. If there was any doubt Edythe had about his feelings that erased it.Ranulf had practically announced to all present that, despite everything, Bronwyn was not just a lady, but his lady.”

Michele Sinclair
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