“I hope Lily told you how happy I was by the offer to marry your commander.""She mentioned it," Ranulf grimaced."Who knows? Maybe Rolande and I will meet and decide to stay together, forgoing the annulment."Ranulf rocked back on his feet, picking up the basin, and stood up, causing water to slosh on to the floor from the abrupt movement. She sounded so damn happy. He plopped the water bowl back on its table. And why shouldn't she be? "You will like my commander. He is as handsome as Lillabet is beautiful."Pain flashed in Bronwyn's eyes, turning them dark, almost black. If Ranulf's aim had been to hurt,he had struck true, resulting in a desire to inflict similar anguish. "As long as he doesn't lie to me and make me out the fool, I will be content.""I suspect he won't if you don't lie to him first."Bronwyn pushed herself out of the chair as a frisson of anger shot up her spine. "Maybe I won't if he doesn't order me away from my home without the courage to look me in the eye when he does so.""I never pretended to be someone else.""In that you are correct, my lord.You made it very clear from the beginning that you were a hateful man," she seethed."Didn't seem to bother you when you used your female wiles to entice me to your bed," Ranulf hissed back.Bronwyn marched over to the door and swung it wide open. "I wonder just how my sister will deal with your barbarism. She is sweet,beautiful, and innocent,but she also knows nothing about running a castle.So preprare yourself,my lord.In a few months you will have a rundown estate and no commander either,for after I use my feminine wiles on him, I doubt we will be staying here at Hunswick.”

Michele Sinclair

Michele Sinclair - “I hope Lily told you how happy I was...” 1

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“I thought you'd sworn off marriage," Ranulf growled."Who said anything about marriage?" Tyr snapped back. "I just know that when a younger sister gets married,the older one might like some company and Bronwyn is one damn fine-looking woman.""Leave her alone, Tyr."The possessive growl in Ranulf's voice was unmistakable and undeniable. Tyr swung around abruptly and faced his friend from across the table. "I knew it!""Just what do you think you know?""Something happened between you two," Tyr answered,pointing at him. "No man-not even you-can spend a day and night with a woman that beautiful and not at least try to kiss her. Did you?""None of your business."Tyr let go a long low whistle. "So not only did you,but you enjoyed it.Enough to still be bothered.I'm kind of wishing it had been me up there instead."Ranulf moved toward the door. "I think your first inclinations about leaving Hunswick were good ones.Tell the queen I said hello."Tyr shook his head and leaned back against the table,crossing his arms. "I've changed my mind. Ranulf de Gunnar, the man who wanted no woman, suddenly has two.I'm staying.""Not if I send you away.”

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