“I myself like..." She paused for a second straining to remember the young soldier's name that was at the gate. "Tory.He's...sweet. He could return to Syndlear with me tomorrow since you are on the mend."Ranulf's body instantly stiffened. He had not intended for his comment to be interpreted in such a way.Just the opposite. Instead of being flattered, she produced a name and offered to leave. Well,she wasn't going to leave in the morning,but Tory sure as hell was."What if my wound gets worse?" Ranulf posed gruffly."It is fine.""It may not be.Remember.I don't get fevers. I'm not like other men."You sure aren't, Bronwyn murmured to herself.”

Michele Sinclair

Michele Sinclair - “I myself like..." She paused for a...” 1

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“Pasting on her most endearing smile, Bronwyn stood up and interrupted, "I must beg everyone's pardon for retiring early. I have been needing to speak with my husband all day. So, we will see you in the morning." She then looked down at Ranulf to ensure he understood that she was serious.He arched a single brow, but said nothing as he rose to join her, ignoring the short coughs and snorts of laughter of his men. Bronwyn instantly froze as she realized what the small group-including her husband-believed she had meant. Mustering up the remnants of her pride,she forced herself to march on."It's nice to know you've been wanting me all day, but if you desire for us to be alone, there are more discreet ways of letting me know," Ranulf teased as he lifted the flap of their tent.Bronwyn knew her already red face was turning an even more brilliant color, but she refused to let Ranulf believe he had totally won. "You,husband, are far more in need of a modesty lesson than I."Ranulf let go the heavy material and then crossed his arms with a smug look of satisfaction Bronwyn wanted to both remove and indulge. "Don't believe in modesty.Never have.Kind of liking the fact that you don't either," he said, hinting at what he thought was about to come next.Bronwyn took a step back and waved a finger. "I said I wanted to speak with you alone...about tomorrow.”

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“I'm sorry this trip has been so difficult.""It could be worse. We could be enduring Father Morrell's celebration of the Eucharist."Bronwyn's jaw dropped and she turned in his arms to see if Ranulf was serious. He was.”

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“Bronwyn jumped when the door of her room sprang open and bounced against the stone wall. Something only one person would do.Lily."Lillabet! What are you doing here? Ranulf-""Ranulf?" Lily asked as she cocked her head to the side and wrinkled her nose. "I had forgotten that was his name. Lord,what a mouthful.”

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“Well,then why don't we go hunting tomorrow?" he offered cheerfully, knowing that a sunny disposition right now would rankle his friend.Bronwyn flashed Tyr a radiant smile. "What a sensible suggestion. After the past few days,it would be refreshing to spend some time with a charming gentleman and give me a chance to get away from certain...frustrations," she said as her gaze leisurely swept over Ranulf. "I can show you the choice spots."Tyr let go a low chuckle. No wonder the women at court never interested Ranulf. None of them had the audaciousness needed to penetrate his thick shell. Tyr returned Bronwyn's smile and picked up a handful of almonds. "That would be great.It will also give you a chance to meet more of the men."Ranulf didn't move, but his knuckles turned white. "The last thing the men need is a woman around who enjoys toying with their emotions.""I do not toy,my lord,but I suspect manners and general kindness may appear that way to someone who has the emotional capacity of a stone." her voice had risen at least an octave, giving away her confusion and hurt pride.Oblivious,Ranulf slowly shifted his gaze to hers and grated back, "If I am a stone,madam,then perhaps it is because I look like one.I'm sorry that I don't have Tyr's smile or Tory's sweet nature.Men like me do not appeal to women like yourself. I would be a half-wit to think otherwise.”

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“But where are we going?"Glancing back at her,he smiled a wicked smile. "Westminster.""Westminster! Now? What about the Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord? I'm the First Footer! I can't just leave."Ranulf came back in and gave her a comforting kiss on the forehead before placing a softer one on her lips.Unfortunately, that is one tradition we must break.So pack only what is necessary and don your warmest gown."Bronwyn's heart started pounding as she realized just who Ranulf intended to see and confront. "What are you planning to do to Luc?"But the question was issued to an empty corridor. Ranulf was gone, and the next time she was to see him,they would be riding out of Hunswick at a speed she wouldn't understand for another three days.”

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