“He…He’s beautiful.” “I already called dibs,” I informed her and banged my hands twice on the table, demanding she adhere to the dibs rule. She snapped her attention back to me. “No, you didn’t! You never said dibs.” “DIBS!” I practically shouted at her. Her shoulders shrugged in defeat.”
“Give her the goddamn Advil, Dibs. Jesus.”
“Wow," Liv said, when I dropped the mallet back into the drawer. "That looked like fun. I call dibs on the next over-the-top destruction of evidence.”
“Just when you think you're in the cat-bird's seat, the Angel of Death calls "dibs" on shotgun.”
“I thought you called dibs on him.""I did, but you can have him first. After he dumps you, imagine how good I'll look in comparison.""Thanks, that's not insulting at all.”
“As many times as I told her she was beautiful, I know that she never believed me. As many times as I said it didn’t matter, I knew that to her it did.”