“To love:U mst first love yourself in order for people love u,live life,dnt hold back cos u neva know how much u have missed when u wait, be afraid but neva back down at least than u know u tried,open your heart to new possibilties cos even thou you have been hurt neva give up hope,cos hope would bring u all your ur hearts desire and in that moment all your pain wid evapourate.”
“It is very tough to believe astranger,But if someone loves U more thanFish lovesWater,Holds UR hand tight with tears in his eyes &says,"The moment I saw UI fell in love with UI can't live without U& wanna spend the rest of my life with UI LOVE U ”
“when u fall in love with allah,, the difficulty of life becomes easier”
“Take Risks in Your Life If u Win, U Can Lead! If u Lose, U Can Guide!”
“no matter how u run away, no matter how can u pretend, no matter how scared u are there is gona be the sense u have missed something, fallen heart feeling u mixed with in the moments u should live, u will get used to that feeling, believe me when i tell u, this is crazy, some day ur life will be sou r just warming up”