“t's okay to let yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back. -”
“You know how you let yourself think that everything will be all right if you can only get to a certain place or do a certain thing. But when you get there you find it's not that simple.”
“Take a good look at yourself and know you've got yourself a ways to go. But difficult is not impossible. You can take back all the lost control.Take a good look at yourself and see that you'll emerge eventually-As long as your heart's not too far gone from THE ONLY THING THAT CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF.”
“You can only go to places that you will let yourself go.”
“Love is motion Potter love is forward movement but you said yourself the memory reel backward it's all backward with you. You are stuck back there because Potter you don't let yourself move forward your eyes get stuck on things and people.”