“I'm home and safe and filled with the comfort of being somewhere I've already been. The ruckus of homecoming is brutally enjoyable and everyone makes me feel like a champion. And all I had to do was stay away long enough.”
“I love the way you make me feel like I'm a completed person. I love the way I want to take care of you. When I'm with you I feel that I've come home - home in a way everyone imagines home should be.”
“You think I've been around these fuckers long enough to get comfortable enough to SLEEP ten feet away from them? Not fucking likely. (Axel)”
“I can tell I'm being annoying, the kind of annoying where it feels like I haven't showered for days and everyone should just stay away.”
“I never realize how much I like being home unless I've been somewhere really different for a while.”
“I've never had a home before." That must have been all the sweets talking; I'd never have told him otherwise. "I mean, staying with Li, I never felt like I belonged. That's all."Sam touched my wrist, making me shiver. "You always have a home with me.”