“In my hometown, the sky seemed endless . . . but there was nothing to see.”
“once i was told to not be sad, because behind every dark cloud there is a bright sky...what they do not seem to know is that past that bright sky is an endless darkness.”
“Here, though, there is nothing. Nothing at all. The sky seems empty even when I am looking at the moon and stars.”
“And now a song for Jesus Christand since this seems to confusepeople I'd like to simply say that Imean what I sing although thetheme of endless endless on thisalbum is not based on any religionbut more in the belief that allthings seem to contain a white lightwithin them that I see as eternal”
“You look at me but never see the love I feel for you. But in your eyes, I see the skies. The endlessness of time and blue. Like water that span the raging sea. And break upon the sandbar of your heart.”