“Education spending will be most effective if it relies on parental choice & private initiative -- the building blocks of success throughout our society.”
“Education is, quite simply, peace-building by another name. It is the most effective form of defense spending there is.”
“Our identity is fictional, written by parents, relatives, education, society.”
“Private choices are not private; they all have public consequences...Our society is the sum total of what millions of individuals do in their private lives. That sum total of private behavior has worldwide public consequences of enormous magnitude. There are no completely private choices.”
“Responsible parenting is NOT a crime. Responsible parenting is most valuable tool of our society.”
“The degree to which a surviving parent copes is the most important indicator of the child's long-term adaptation. Kids whose surviving parents are unable to function effectively in the parenting role show more anxiety and depression, as well as sleep and health problems, than those whose parents have a strong support network and solid inner resources to rely on.”